Guest Blogger: Kira

Throughout my life I have learned so much about love. The kind of love that is shared by intimate lovers or man and wife in my case. That is the love I thought I was chasing all since the hormones kicked in, but in my late 20’s I started to realize that I am chasing the wrong kind of love. I looked around and realized that throughout my teenage years, and my young adulthood I cultivated a completely different kind of love. I surrounded myself with people that get me on a soul level – my girls! The love I feel for these women is extraordinary. Here is some background for these beautiful women you are looking at. Michelle and Erin have known each other since grade school. I showed up during our Junior High years. I moved to the U.S. with my family when I was eleven years old. My English was bad, and I did not have any friends. Michelle and Erin took a chance on a weird Russian girl that did not speak English, and I hope they did not regret that decision. Okay, maybe once or twice after a crazy night and while nursing an extreme hangover they have regretted it. One time in Junior High, Erin and I were sitting on the floor outside the classroom. We were working on something and I was drinking water, my water bottle spilled all over my jeans and it looked like I did not make it to the bathroom on time. The class was about to be over, and I was so embarrassed to walk around in my wet jeans. So, Erin, being the crazy awesome friend that she is, spilled her bottle of water and plopped her fanny right into the puddle of water. Now we were both wet and laughing so hard that the teacher had to peek her head out of the classroom to tell us to Hakuna our tatas (in a manner of speaking.) Becky joined the band of unhinged awkwardness in our late teens.


We have traveled together, raised kids together (well some of us), lived through difficult times and heartbreak together, marriages, divorces, you know – life. Lately, I have really started thinking about how our definition of friendship has changed from those days. We have our lives, and other friends that come and go – seasonal friends, interest group friends, and so on. But there are a few women in my life who I never have to question. We may not always talk, or see one another, but I know that if anything we will be there for each other no matter what. So, here we are, all dolled up on the outside, a bit broken on the inside by our life experiences, but nevertheless beautiful and strong – together.
