Guest Blogger Suzy


If this is something you have never done before, take a deep breath and know that you are in a talented, caring & empowering space! Getting to shoot the shit with Christi and Lela throughout the whole process. They are two beautiful and bright souls!

The most important things in my life are leaving a positive wake wherever I go, discovering and embracing other unique souls, and generally appreciating all that mother nature has created for us! Getting other people to laugh or smile lights me up.

One thing that people don’t know about me is that my knickers are au natural. (editors note: Both Suzy and Christi like to crack themselves up)


I got an album, what an absolute treasure trove of images! It will forever be a reminder of the amazing feeling of empowerment, self acceptance & celebration of being our individual bad ass selves!

🙏🏼Grateful to have had the opportunity to work with these UH-MAY-ZING women. Their talents are second to none. They will forever be a part of the tribe of uplifting & fantabulous people I have my life. I’m so thankful to know them beyond their professional lives.
