Guest Blogger Robyn


I truly was terrified to do this but Christi and Lela made me feel at ease immediately. I appreciate the gift of their time and attention.

My message to future Grinkie Girls: You are beautiful and you deserve to feel and See proof of it. For a moment in time I felt special and pretty. You are worth having beautiful photos of yourself. Best gift I have given myself in forever.


My favorite part was the relaxed atmosphere. Christi’s enthusiasm and genuine excitement was contagious. To see beauty through her eyes. This goes for Lela too. SideBar: everyone wants my hair curled like that all the time lol.

The 3 most important things to me are: My beautiful girls, family and grandchildren, my 2 dogs, and my creativity.

Things that light me up? Music, Art, Nature, Ocean, or Lakes, and being appreciated.

I had shut away my sense of seeing myself as anything but mom , grandmother, mature woman. I truly wanted to reconnect with the me I tucked away.