Go on location with Grinkie Girls

Go on location with Grinkie Girls

While it’s true Grinkie Girls has a very comfortable photo studio in St. Paul, did you know Christi can do both pin-up and boudoir photo shoots out of the studio and on location?

It’s true, and it’s a lot of fun. In fact, Christi has done photo shoots in one-stall garages, grand ballrooms, and everything in between. And what makes these on-location shoots interesting typically is the location itself.

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“Either the location is interesting on it’s own, or I can bring a simple backdrop to make it so,” says Christi. “Sometimes we need to accommodate a large prop, like a plane.”

That’s right. If you have an airplane, Christi will be happy to use it as a backdrop.


Why go on location?

People choose to take their photo shoot out of the studio and on location for many reasons. Some are on location to accommodate groups, and more still are booked to incorporate a large prop or backdrop that simply cannot get inside the studio (like that plane we referenced above).

Still others choose to do a boudoir shoot in the comfort of their own home, and Christi has been known to go on location across state lines for a large group shoot.

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Regardless of where the location is, you still get hair and makeup done for you (remember to ask Christi about the time she was shooting in the woods and the challenges the hair people had with the curling iron!). And, it takes about the same amount of time, so there’s no extra charge for Christi to go on location (of course, if you are renting a place out for the shoot, then that would be an extra charge you incur).

Do you have an idea for an amazing on location photo shoot? Contact Christi to discuss! And see the upcoming location shoot schedule.

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